…It ain’t easy eating green…

Not eating meat or fish can be tricky, frustrating and sometimes a pain the butt….but you do it because it’s worth it.

I always get the typical questions about why I went vegetarian and how I handle day-to-day life…and I always tell them that I have my good days and my challenging days, but I don’t regret it.


These nachos has lettuce and tomatoes….that qualifies as a salad, right? Photo: Geneva Gerwitz

Everyone who has become a vegetarian or vegan has different reasons to become one. Some might tell you that killing animals is horrible, others might say they did so they could become healthier and some might say that they simply do not like the taste/texture of meat. I went vegetarian because I believe that the way slaughterhouses kill animals are completely inhumane. (Note: some images and videos on the slaughterhouse link are graphic).

I know whenever I intend on going out, I have to plan ahead of time to see if there is anything on the menu that is vegetarian or vegan. But guess what? I found a website that lists various fast food places that offer vegetarian options (looks like I just fell in love with Taco Bell again!).

When I’m not in the drive-thru lane, I’m sitting at home wondering what to eat (and yes, I do think about food a lot). I stick to my basic, lousy diet of salad and pasta because I know it’s a quick vegetarian meal, but every day I keep finding more and more quick, easy meals. Though a lot of recipes do involve pasta, there’s always vegetables and an array of sauces involved.  Then there’s always ingredients and items that you didn’t know had animal byproducts in it, so making sure that every item is 100% meat free is challenging to say the least.


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